
 UI/UX Design | Web Application | Launch

Project Summary

Litmox Video is a video hosting and marketing service. Users can upload their videos, customize and add several marketing features like interactive and more. What we pride ourselves in Litmox Video is deep data, the fact that our users will actually know which videos are getting the results and know the full performance of every single video they host on the platform. 
This is why for our analytics to run well, we’re going to make use of pixels that work just similar to Facebook pixels (General Tracking Pixel + Action Pixel).

Current Live Viewers – this will show the number of people currently watching that video live at the moment you’re tracking the performance.
Device & Browsers – this is the device the user is using to watch the video (Desktop “Windows, Mac OS, or Others”, Tablet, Mobile “iPhone, Android or Others”, Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
Impression – this is the number of times the page(s) the video is placed on was loaded whether the video was viewed or not.
Impression Click-through rate – the is the percentage of people that actually went ahead to play the video after landing on the page. For example, if a page with a video is loaded 1,000 times and the video was played 250 times then the Impression click-through rate is 25%. If the video is auto-played, that will also be counted as impression click-through rate since it’s assumed the user clicked the play button though it was done automatically.

Project Details


PHP, MySql, Laravel Framework

Project duration

4 Months

Launched At


More Features

Disengagement Rate – this is the rate at which users pause the video and leave, scroll away from the video or close the page. If 100 people watched this video and at some point 53 of them left then the disengagement rate is 53%, this also represents the percentage of people not interest in your content. The VTR is the percentage of people who saw your video that actually go on to watch the video in its entirety. The basic ‘views’ statistic just doesn’t tell the full story when you’re monitoring the impact of your videos. You need to know what’s happening beyond phase one. If people are dropping off early, perhaps your preview image is misrepresenting your content and attracting the wrong audience. The View Through Rate can be seen at 10%, 20%, 50%, 75%, 90%, and 100% of the video, not just for the entirety of the video.  

Other Functionality

Views –  this is the number of times the videos were watched, it’s not unique as a single person can watch it more than once.
Unique Viewers – this is the unique number of people that watched the video
Viewers Location (Demographics) – this is the list of countries the viewers are coming from and can be narrowed down to Regions, States, and Cities (eg: in the USA, you can view exact viewers from New York, Washington, Chicago, etc.)
Watch Time – this will show the total amount of minutes of that video that has been watched by all viewers

Visual Design

Visual design focuses on the aesthetics of a site and its related materials by strategically implementing images, colours, fonts, and other elements. A successful visual design does not take away from the content on the page or function. Instead, it enhances it by engaging users and helping to build trust and interest in the brand.

In, our UI/UX developers focused on the basic elements of visual design/graphic design, like lines, Shapes, Colour Palette, Texture, Typology & Forms. is the result of the efficient use of all these elements given above.

What Else?

What else Litmox can do!

  • Leads – this is the number of people that opted in on the video or on the page the video was played on, this will be tracked with the help of pixels (tracking codes).
  • Add to Cart – This is the number of people that added the product to a cart or reached the checkout but have not purchased, this will be tracked with the help of pixels (tracking codes).
  • Purchases – this is the number of people that purchased the product being sold, this is also how revenue or sales generated by the video will be tracked, this will be tracked with the help of pixels (tracking codes).
  • Page View – this is the number of people that clicked to or viewed a particular page, this will be tracked with the help of pixels (tracking codes).
  • Booked Appointment – this is perfect for local businesses and represents the number of people that booked an appointment, this will be tracked with the help of pixels (tracking codes).
  • Call to Action Points – just like the disengagement points, this will expose the entire timeline of the video and show you at which points your viewers took action (clicked a button, opted-in, add to cart or purchased) and how many took action at each point so you can know how to improve your video.
  • Video Share – this is the number of people that shared or forwarded your video and which social platforms got which amount of shares.
  • Video Download – this is the number of downloads on your video

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Video Creation Application

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